The east end of the cathedral is now the home of the music ministers. This was the space where the high altar and baldachin used to be.
There are two organs in the Cathedral. The console in the east end controls both organs. This console is 7 feet wide and has four manuals (or keyboards). The original console in the gallery is still operational and only controls the gallery organ.
The gallery organ was built by the world-renowned recitalist and teacher, Robert Noehren, and installed for the Fifth International Church Music Congress held in Milwaukee in 1966. The four-manual, seventy-four rank Noehren organ has 3,586 pipes. Designed in the French Classical tradition, it is flexible in handling the complete range of organ literature.
completion of the apse organ, the two instruments will comprise of
111 ranks of pipes. For this renovation, the pipes of the Noehren
organ were removed, washed and replaced. The casework has been
painted to reflect the new color scheme in the cathedral. The blower
was replaced just prior to the re-dedication.