The ambo is the place from which God’s word in the sacred Scriptures is proclaimed to the assembly of God’s people. Situated on the same central axis as the baptistry and altar, the cathedral ambo symbolizes the dignity and significance of the word of God proclaimed at the liturgies celebrated here. Its prominence is a fitting reminder that the table of God’s word is placed before the faithful together with the table of Christ’s body. Those who come here are nourished by both the Word of Life and the Bread of Life.
A gift of the priests of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, the ambo is constructed of marble to harmonize with the altar. Of a simple design, the ambo stands on a platform extending forward from the apse, the ambo is high enough to be visible throughout the cathedral, yet it also serves for smaller gatherings and celebrations of the Word. Originally from the main altar of the cathedral, the front panel bears the trigram IHS, representing the name of Jesus Christ. The side panels show the Greek symbols of Alpha and Omega, meaning “beginning” and “end.”