Wednesday Concert Series

Concert Information

We are pleased to announce that we are bringing the series back for the 2024-2025 season effective October 2024 with the first performance scheduled at noon on Wednesday, October 2. Thank you for your patience and understanding while the series has been on hold. Concerts take place on Wednesdays between 12:15 pm and 12:45 pm. A variety of performers, including guitar, cello, piano, organ, voice, and others, provide a mid-day respite to downtown workers and guests. Though a freewill offering is taken, there is no charge to attend the concerts.

PLEASE REMEMBER: The "ramped" Wells Street entrance, in the Cathedral staff parking lot, is the only entrance open for the concerts. For security reasons, these doors will be locked once the concert begins. Once the doors are locked, no one will be admitted, so please plan accordingly. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

For major Fine Arts events, please visit our Upcoming Fine Arts Events page.

If you would like to help financially support the work of the Fine Arts Series here at the Cathedral, please contact Joe Smaldino in the Cathedral Office at 414-276-9814.

The Wednesday Concert Series includes guest artists and Cathedral musicians. If you would like information on how to become a guest artist, call 414-276-9814. The following link has detailed information for guest artists: UPDATED ARTIST GUIDELINES


February 26 - Adrien Zitoun, cellist

*No concert March 5 due to Ash Wednesday*

March 12 - Kathleen Monson, soprano

*No artist scheduled March 19*

March 26 - Barbara Ahlf, soprano
