The tomb-shaped baptismal pool signifies the
journey from death to new life; it points from the darkness of the
west to the rising sun in the east, its three steps a reminder of
Christ’s three days in the tomb. On axis with the altar, it directs
us to the place where we gather for the nourishment we need to live
out our baptismal covenant.
The twenty-four-inch deep baptismal font is made from granite and marble. Designed in the shape of a tomb with three steps down at its east end, the font is suitable for immersion of adults and children. Adults and infants can be immersed in these flowing waters, assisted by their sponsors and surrounded by the initiating Christian community. The upper font is from the 1943 cathedral renovation; its basin is carved from pink marble and supported by three pillars of burgundy, green, and yellow marble symbolizing the Holy Trinity. It has been refashioned to be the source of the flowing water for this new baptistry. It serves as a holy water font and may also be used for the baptism of infants. The balusters surrounding the lower pool were originally in the cathedral sanctuary.