The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist is host to a program called SPRED.

SPRED stands for Special Religious Development and is a small faith community in our parish that welcomes adults with developmental or learning problems to form friendships with volunteers from the Cathedral who journey with them in faith.

Our Cathedral SPRED group offers an opportunity to participate in this special faith community. Our SPRED group needs adult volunteers to serve as catechists or helpers to our Friends, the individuals with special needs. No prior experience with persons with disabilities is required. SPRED training is provided before volunteers serve.

Our SPRED group can accommodate more Friends! If you know of an adult with disabilities that would enjoy growing in faith and socializing within our SPRED community, please contact us.

What we do in SPRED: The goal of SPRED is to help our Friends develop an awareness of God in their lives. This includes an awareness of themselves as persons of dignity – who are loved by God - and as an integral part of the parish community and the entire Church.

Each SPRED session begins with quiet “work” time on an activity selected by the Friend and modeled by their volunteer catechist. The quiet work is a means of getting focused and ready to hear the Word of God which is then shared in a devotional time led by our group’s Leader catechist. We conclude our session with the sharing of a light meal and socializing.

For more information about SPRED in the Milwaukee area, please email or call 414/595-7921
